Nosodes are important for the treatment of homeopathy.There are some new nosodes wich are called bowel nosodes.such as Morgan pure , Morgan gertner. Syso. co etc. If you want more about the nosodes click my site
What is homeopathy ?
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine used successfully by tens of millions worldwide, and the second most utilized complementary health discipline in the world (according to the World Health Organization 2005). It has a laudable 200-year clinical record. There are literally hundreds of high quality basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies showing it works.Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting benefits. Definition and OriginHomeopathy is a system of alternative medicine. The term derives from the Greek hómoios (similar) and páthos (suffering). The underlying concept of homeopathy is “like cures like” and is based on “the principle of similars”, which asserts that substances known to cause particular symptoms can also, in low and specially prepared doses, help to cure diseases that cause similar symptoms. Some principles of...[More]
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